
shutterstock_105867509“I am reading the book and am at the pursed lips, belly breathing, diaphragmatic way and this is extremely effective but I never heard of it until now. (no one else is talking or writing about it) I don’t even have enough breath to do the entire exercise, but I will have. She takes people that are as bad off as any of us, and gives them back their life.

And I am sure that there are more wonderful protocols further into the book.”

–  The COPD Solution Reader

“The COPD Solution to me is essential reading. Brilliant from the first chapter, it offers a comprehensive programme for managing your life with copd. Writer Dawn, a fully qualified therapist, has an amazing 100% success rate with her patients. Some could when they first entered therapy with Dawn hardly walk. Yet now enjoy life with much better mobility. Dawn’s book to me is a must read, and is one that can not only be kept as a reference book, but also be read time and again. If you buy this publication you will be allowing Dawn to become your personal therapist.”

-Derek Cummings, Top Ten COPD Blogger, bitz-and-bobz.co.uk, The COPD Solution Reader

“When I started this program I didn’t think I would ever do anything again, I had decided I was going to die. Now I am gem hunting again, walking around the block, quilting, and traveling. It works! It saved my life!”

– Linda, The COPD Solution participant

“When I started, I couldn’t do anything. I had to sell my chickens because I couldn’t walk far enough to feed them. Now I am walking every day, lifting weights, and riding my new road bike outside. It even has a basket for my oxygen tank.”
– Robert, The COPD Solution participant

“The information is so interesting to know. Every time I go through it I learn something new.”
– Roy, The COPD Solution participant

“These lessons are so useful. Full of information I could not live without!”
– Judith, The COPD Solution participant

“The lessons learned, and the time Dawn spent with my mother are priceless. Her program has changed our whole life. I don’t know what my mother would have done without it, but I know she wouldn’t be with us today.”
– Sherry, family member of COPD Solution participant

“This book should be utilized by practitioners everywhere, as a model for trainers, educators, and patients as healthcare moves forward and progresses. Dawn is a passionate, driven, and knowledgeable clinician.” –Dr.  Janelle Gardiner, RRT, AE-C, Assistant Professor, Weber State University

“The COPD Dilemma is a must have resource for anyone who has been diagnosed with, is learning to live with, living with, or who loves or cares for a person living with chronic lung disease. I consider myself an expert patient. Diagnosed in 2007, I have used my legal training to extensively research the condition. Yet, I enjoyed, and learned, reading Dawn Fielding’s comprehensive coverage and “step by step” approach to “living with it”. – K. Hyatt , JD – Expert patient,

“Dawn Lesley Fielding, author of ‘The COPD Solution’ has a mission and deep passion about the cause of serving the people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). A licensed respiratory therapist, certified COPD Educator, certified Asthma Educator and years of “hands on” experience of working with people with COPD and managing a pulmonary rehabilitation center has first- hand experienced the desperation of breathing distress as her own son suffers from a highly challenging asthma.

“Dawn has put her heart and soul into crafting this book to help and uplift people with COPD. I am one of them. She walks us through the different stages of the disease and the life cycle through the crises, dilemmas and tormenting decisions. She empathetically explains and counsels us so we COPD patients and our loved ones can understand more fully what we are up against, sift through the confusion and take informed decisions which truly matter in the management of the disease, unrelenting stress and difficult emotions.

“Dawn is fully cognizant of the emotional struggles people with a ‘life-term illness’ such as COPD inevitably experience from time to time. She encourages us to give ourselves permission to feel our emotions, the fears, the panic, depression, grief and despair. We must not sweep them under the carpet or push them down in the ‘basement’ where they can stir up more trouble and impair our breathing, exercise motivation and most dangerously our will to live and transcend the obstacles. Her approach in discussing such delicate matters is empathetic, supportive and highly positive. She also encourages us to stay connected with our family, friends and neighbors and above all with ourselves.

The COPD Solution is a highly comprehensive manual, a complete workbook and your dependable companion, be that your own home, pulmonary rehabilitation program or the clinic you attend. All chapters in the book are excellent but I would like to make a special mention of a few sections which are exceptional and not provided by all COPD manuals and workbooks, namely, Smoking Cessation, Nutrition and Healthy Choices, Relaxation and COPD, Yoga and Your Breathing. – Vijai Sharma, PhD –
AVI Certified Yoga Therapist and Teacher Yoga Just for You; Yoga for COPD